
 Essa Gull Ministry


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Lord’s spirit is transforming lives through out our conferences, seminars and missionary trips, in which people share their life changing and exciting testimonies. Some of them are as follows.

  • I asked Pastor Asif to pray for me and my family’s life, through his prophetic prayer Lord’s spirit touched me and I found myself a sinner and guilty. Lords presence and joy came into my life since that moment I am filled with the spirit of joy and deliverance.(Khalida - Hyderabad- Intercessory  Prayer Week)
  • I am serving the Lord for many years and arranging seminars and evangelical meetings under the banner of several ministries as seeking revival in the church but during this revival conference I came to know the meanings of revival. I am trembled by the Holy Spirit and mortified that everything I did was for my own fame not for revival. At this moment I am broken-hearted and committed to go back to my church and make efforts for revival whole-heartedly. (Lubna- Layyah)
  • We loved each other since we married, but in this marriage counseling seminar we came to know how to become worth for each other and the power of a praying and God fearing partners. (Mr. & Mrs. Javed- Pak-Pattan) 
  • During the session I heard about two kinds of churches soul-less and soulful. I came to know by the God’s spirit that I belonged to the first category. During the prayer session I confessed and accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and I am filled with the joy of salvation. I am thankful to the Lord who has given me such a nice opportunity to attend this revival conference and spoke to me through his servant Pastor Asif. (Anwar- Quetta)  
  • I have learned during this revival conference that if we want to see transformation in the churches we must work on the family’s life. I am provoked by the Holy Spirit that me and my wife will pray for 5000 families and work on Christian’s family life in the church. (Pastor Zahid Saeed- Islamabad)


  • The second medical camp was conducted at SADARYAB under the union council of AGRA, GADHRI WARIS KHAN under the thesil/district of CHARSADDA. People of this  areas had objections on the open air medical camp in the result council and prayers they God changed there mind one of the old man helped to arranged the sheltered camp so that the female patients also facesilited.



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