
 Essa Gull Ministry


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About Us  
Essa Gull Ministry (The Fragrance of Christ) is a non-profit & registered organization in Pakistan,In year 2002,EGM has started its activities from Khyber Pakhtun-Khwa & northern areas of Pakistan. This is a multicultural region where the majority is pashtoon & afghan refugee. God has been really faithful throughout the years we have been able to equiping & empowering the communities and lives by providing physically & spiritually asistance. God is moving in a wonderful way,we praise God for such opportunities sharing God's love, winning souls, training them for outreach to the unreached & sending them for mission work.

The total population of this country is 177 million, while less then 2% are christains. So we have great passion from God to see HIS kingdom seen in this land, this land is suffering by natural disasters in 2005,2008 and 2010-11. So God is using us for providing an emergency relief & rehabilitation services in the effected areas of Pakistan. This really helped us to reachout to the unreached group of communities with food, clean water, medical asistance, infra-structural develepment, school supplies kits, hyginic kits, child sponership programe for orphans & more important sharing God,s love.


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