President Message 
Mr. Asif Masih (Samuel) was born in 1979 at Charsadda (Khyber Pakhtun Khwa). He got his early education from his home town and was graduated from the University of Peshawar. He gave his heart to the Lord and experienced God’s grace on 9th July, 1994. He has a great passion to fulfill the Great Commission; GOD always gave him opportunities to learn and to share. Then he went for different missionaries & theological and disaster management trainings nationally and internationally.
He started his ministerial work by joining a well known broad casting organization FEBA in pashto service & then as a follow up coordinator with international ministry Campus Crusade for Christ. Where he was responsible to built up a relationship with our Muslim brothers to help them to know more about God's Love. In the year of 2002, during his missionary trip in Afghanistan GOD’s spirit spoke him with the word of 2COR 2:15 “FOR WE ARE TO GOD THE FRAGRANCE OF CHRIST AMONG THOSE WHO ARE BEING SAVED AND AMONG THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING”. And gave him the vision of ESSA Gull MINISTY (THE FRAGRANCE OF CHRIST) Pakistan, which contributes its part in spiritual, social and relief services to share the love of God and transforming the lives and communities. |
His vision is to “REACH THE UNREACHED AND TEACH THE UNTAUGHT” without discrimination of race, nation, language, caste, color and religion, by wining, training & sending, to meet their spiritual & physical needs. God called him for the nation's transformation. A man of God says, "If you have a mission then you have a vision, if you don't have a mission then you don't have a vision. But if vision is from God then provision will be from God". He feel's that we are in the mission's graveyard, but I believe that God can transform this graveyard into the vineyard. Amen.
We do need your support through prayers & various ways. As the Harvest is plentiful while the Labours are a few.